Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Lovely Bone (2010)

When I first heard about this movie a little bit less than a year ago, I knew this was going to be a good one and it was being directed by one of the greats, Peter Jackson. So I read the book and enjoyed it, then it was movie. Due to poor timing I never got the chance to see it in theaters.

Lovely Bones tells the tale of Suzie Salmon and her murder. Suzie's souls is stuck in the "inbetween" because she cannot let go of her life on earth. Looking in on her family and their struggle to cope without her. Simultaneously she is keeping tabs on her murderer, Mr Harvey, played by Stanley Tucci in an oscar nominated role. There was not much notably different from the novel in terms of major things. I only noticed they altered the relationship between the parents and the investigating cop.

Peter Jackson score big on this one, the cinematagraphy is grade A. The "inbetween" is beautifully done, vivid and imaginative. He really shows his talent for directing in this film. Stanley Tucci goes deep for this role as Mr. Harvey and although he does not have many lines in the film, his time on screen is great. The dialogue before the murder is funny yet demented especially when you know what is coming soon.

Despite enjoying the film, I'm keeping the review short because I really wasn't thinking in terms of a review when I was watching it. I was keeping tabs on the relevance in comparison to the book and the acting.

It was a good film that didn't stray to far the novel, this has been one of the better book adaptations I've seen, but then again I really havn't seen that many. If you read the book go see it, if not, make up your own mind on it.
The Lovely Bones recieves 7 "Creepy Dollhouse Stares"...out of 10

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