Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dinner for Schmucks (2010)

Dinner for Schmucks brings about a comedy with some of my favorite Comedic Actors currently on the circuit. With names like Steve Carrell and Paul Rudd (Anchorman), Zach Galifnakis (The Hangover) and Jemaine Clement (Flight of the Conchords) theres no way they could make a bad movie...and they did not dissappoint. This screwball comedy delivers with the laughs and as many great comedies do, delivers with the hilarious one-liners.

Rudd plays a Finance Exec, Tim, who is in line for a promotion but in order to get it his boss lays down a challenge, bring the biggest Idiot to a dinner competition. In steps Carrell, Barry, who is a divorced IRS agent who spends his free time collecting and modeling mice. Hyjinks ensue when Barry nearly destroys everything in Tim's life, pushing his would-be fiance away while vieing for the promotion. Everything culminates in the final half-hour filled with laughs as the dinner table is finally reached and the "idiots" are presented.

The jokes are great and Carrell's awkwardness comes through yet again, often times being uncomfortable, but never-the-less funny. Galifinakis and Carrell really steal the movie away from Rudd as Boss and Employee, Rivals and Wife Stealer. Their "battle" at the dinner table is the defining moment in the movie and one of the funniest scenes in recent memory for me at least.

This movie is actually pretty funny but it could have been a lot better. Quite frankly I would like to have seen some funnier dialogue and one-liners from Jemaine Clement akin to a lot of episodes from FotC.

Dinner for Schmucks recieves 7.5 "That's what she Saids''...out of 10.

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