Wednesday, January 12, 2011

#1 - Mass Effect 2

Very Difficult Choice... My Love of Science Fiction versus My Love Of History. Mass Effect 2 is just so well put together and a beautifully done Space Opera to say the least. This game is just epic in every facet and Sheppard is one of the Greatest Video Game Characters ever created. Bioware is without a doubt the top studio producing games right now. ME2 is similar to Heavy Rain in that every action takes the story in a different direction. You can choose to be the good guy, the bad guy or maybe even the average guy. ME2 also provides a multitude of classes to play as each having a unique style that can be advantageous at time and detremental at other times. You are also given control over a large group of characters that you recruit and build up a rapport with. As far as the plot goes I can't recall much off hand, this came out in like the 1st or 2nd week of January which is when I played it, I keep intending to give another play through but never got around to it. Gamers can start with #2 but I do not reccomned it because Bioware implemented a great design so ME2 actually utilizes your save file from the first game and your decesions have outcomes in the 2nd. I Played ME2 on the PC and a version of it is coming out for the PS3 in Jan/2011 so technically it could win GOTY again. However, Mass Effect 3 is due to hit shelves in November 2011 so watch out cause Mass Effect 3 is my front runner for Next Year!

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