Sunday, December 19, 2010

TRON: Legacy (2010)

One of my most anticipated films of the year, and this one did not disappoint. First off, I understand the Disney wanted Legacy to be a standalone film, seperate, from the original, but I feel that seeing the original made this easier to understand and a lot better of a film. Second, this is one of the most visually stunning movies I've ever seen, I highly reccomend a 3D viewing of the film, you wont be disappointed.

The reason I say you should see the orignal first is that some of the characters may be lost on people who didn't see it. Seeing the orignal provides more depth on Kevin Flynn, to better understand his character, his program CLU, and the whole grid in general.

Legacy introduces the character of Sam Flynn, Kevin's son, who gets pulled into the grid in search of his father who has been missing for 20 years. He finds the organized and sophiscated world his father always spoke of, in ruins and run be ruthless dicatator, CLU. Sam must fight his way around the grid in an effort to enter a portal to return to the real world.

All the actors give a great performance, Garrett Hedlund as Sam was an excently pick, because quite frankly, it seemed like the type of role they would normal give someone like Sam Worthington...which would have ruined the movie. Jeff Bridges is great reprising his role as Kevin Flynn, playing both the old Flynn and the young CLU thanks to modern technology. And Olivia Wilde turns in a great as always performance as Quorra, the helper and protege of Flynn.

The Soundtrack as provided by techno legends, Daft Punk, is excellent and fits the style of the world perfectly. As I said before it is one of the most visuall stunning films I've ever seen. 3D was invented for this movie, this is the real reason why, not Avatar...TRON! It take the same style as the original, reves it up a bit and gives it a bit of a darker tone but just completely stunning and is bound to be loved by any gamer.

I was extremly excited for this movie and I got myself a little worried because the last time I was this excited for a movie was Clash of the Titans...which was a HUGE disappiontment. So thank you Disney, and hopefully we don't have to wait 28 years for another tale from the Grid.

Tron: Legacy recieves 8 "Tron Guys"...out of 10.

Oh...Do NOT play the video game companion, Tron:'ll be pulling your hair out and throwing your controller across the room in anger at how bad and clunky the controls are.

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