Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sherlock Holmes (2009)

Let's start with one simple word: Overrated.

There was a lot of hype surrounding this film but I was kinda let down. I always love a good detective story. I never actually read any of the Doyle stories but, as Im sure many people do, I know enough about the characters. But I love dectective novels and Holmes is the greatest Literary detective in history. But as for this version of the film it just does catch the awe that the books might hold.

The big disappointment for me was suprisingly RDJ, with his monotonous voice and 10 mile stare. I think they were trying to make him appear to be a thinking man but it just comes off as awkward. I thought Jude Law was goin to the Achilles Heal of the film but he actually make for a pretty good supporting character in Watson. Rachael McAdams was lovely as usual as Irene Adler. The thing the makers got best was definatly the scenery. The really captured the essence of Late 19th Century London.

I do not know If the plot parrallels any of Doyle's stories until the ending when they become aware of Holmes' archenemy. No to much hapenns in the film though, They thwart the plans of a Lord Blackwood (Mark Strong) who is then hanged. He rises from the grave then the rest of the movie deal with them trying to recapture him. And as with most detectives, the whole revelation of the entire plot at the end, it just wasnt satisfying. I could care less how Blackwood got away with it and the real was nothing more than cheap parlor tricks.

I have to say that I was dissappointed in this film. There have been talks of a sequel, this already sounds like a good idea because it could have been a lot better and at least the sequel would have a worthy villain.

Sherlock Holmes recieves 5 "Dudes playin' the dude, disguised as another dude!"..out of 10

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